Sound has played a vital role in the community for over 50 years. And now, during the Covid-19 crisis, Sound’s team of experts continues to serve thousands of clients in person as well as via telehealth every month. Join us as we continue to visit and celebrate Sound’s Heroes of the Pandemic.
The heart and soul of our model of care are the people who work here, helping clients get through these scary, unprecedented times. We will continue to work with people and we will get through this together with these Heroes of the Pandemic.
Today, we’re getting to know Residential Case Manager Bethany Simpson, who has been working at Cascade Hall for three years, and has been with the organization for 6 years.
“We all really love our residents here at Cascade Hall and we try to make their time here happy, especially during this pandemic and for the holidays. A number of our residents are veterans. I had a grand plan to bake cookies for them for Veterans Day, but I’ll be honest, my baking went awry haha. Instead, I got each of our veterans a Starbucks gift card and cookie and each member of the team signed cards thanking them for their service.”
For Thanksgiving, Bethany and the team are writing cards for each resident where they state something about that person that they’re thankful for, a tradition started by Sound team member Rachel Dealy who used to work at Cascade Hall but now works as a case manager at Lake City Way. And for the December holidays, Bethany has organized a greeting card drive where people she knows from across the country are sending cards that will be evenly distributed among all the residents.
“The only mail most of them receive tends to be junk or social security and I know how happy they all are to get things like greeting cards,” says Simpson. “A friend of mine who is a teacher is having her 1st graders make cards to send as a class project. In addition to this, I began a project back in October to knit scarves for each of my residents as part of their holiday gift. I’ve ended up adding our other residential sites to my goal – I’m trying to make scarves for all the residents at Cascade Hall, Keystone, Stillwater, and the Willows. So far, I’ve completed about 75 out of a total goal of roughly 140. I couldn’t possibly get this done without the help of lots of friends and family who have donated yarn to the cause, and some friends are even knitting some themselves to help me reach my goal. There are about 25 scarves so far that are getting mailed to me from friends knitting them all across the state and the country!”
We’re thankful and proud of you Bethany. Thank you for your sweet, caring heart and all that you do for Sound & the people we serve – and for being a Hero of the Pandemic.
To join Bethany’s holiday card campaign, please email for details.